How to get published!

I stole the link to this video from JM Tohline. You HAVE to watch it…

The link to his site has a good article as well.  Definitely recommend the time it takes to read it.




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4 responses to “How to get published!

  1. HA! This should be required watching for all hopeful writers. It’s funny because it’s true. When my boss found out I wrote a book, he said, “You’re going to be famous.” I said, “Umm, probably not.” People have the perception that just because you wrote a book, or have a great idea for one like in the video, you’re going to make millions and be on the New York Times bestseller list. I wish. ; )

  2. Of the few times I’ve said, “I’m a writer,” people get that look on their face like they’re talking to at least a D-list celebrity. Or someone who has the delusion of becoming one. I think it’s like any artistic profession. Assumptions abound, until you actually know the work involved.

  3. I love these animated computer voice movies. Man, is that delusional or what?

    I think I’ll go call up an agent now and see if I can skip ahead and get a movie deal…. 😉

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